Friday, November 30, 2018

My thoughts 

My thoughts can be like a plane circling around and around and can’t land because of all the fog because if we don’t slow down to acknowledge things fog of the brain will build up...

One thought will circle around in my head until I either tell someone or write it down. Writing has helped me because it is hard for me to just open up to a counselor. I would dance around what was really bothering me so I want break down in front of them for fear they may find me unstable. People had treat me that way coming from where I live and my family was worse than anyone or shall I say relatives because once you reach a certain age you can choose your family. 

My heart goes out to children who are stuck in a bad relationship with family or foster families and no one know. Boys are being raped at record numbers these days. When I was young this type of thing was taboo and girls had to be watched not boys. How the hell things got even more drastic, men being raped I don’t care if it’s behind bars, it takes a special kind of person to hold someone and rape them and a special kind evil who will stand there and watch and do nothing but laugh while they hold keys and weapons and decides the fate of another.

These are a few of my thoughts, in order for me to function I have to get them out of my head or the fog will began to grow again and I will find myself lost in my thoughts 

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Rudeness in adults 

I’m trying hard to learn how not to cut people off and during a conversation we usually exchange words back and forth to keep the conversation going, but sometimes people just cut you off in the middle of a statement or will over talk you and lead you to believe you don’t know shit and your thoughts are not important.

Fire up some funk...

I try hard to respect the opinion of others after all I’m not responsible for anyone else but me. When I’m trying hard to finish a sentence and a person lists cuts me off all the way and change the conversation leads me to believe my opinion and I mean nothing at all to that person. Once or twice maybe but continually over and over again makes me not wanna conversate with that person. My feelings matter to me if they don’t matter to anyone else. 

And I hate when people use there age as a excuse for rudeness and will tell me I’m your mother you have to listen to me. I wanna say my mama dead and so is my daddy and I’m a full grown woman with full grown children and that is not a reason for me to be rude to someone just because they young enough to be my child. I try hard to show others the same respect I wanna be shown, you can you can talk shit about me behind my back but please as long as I respect you respect me and I’m learning the best way to be heard is to listen...

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Wall of safety or wall of shame

Many sit and laugh as tear gas is sprayed into the crowd of migrants. Many cheer and praise Donald Trumps actions as just and a great cause...

I say don’t laugh today in the faces of those stuck at a wall looking for safety and help today because tomorrow it may be you standing at that thirty foot wall he has built begging Mexicans to let you in because the current president has made living in the USA impossible...because if it can happen to one it can happen to anyone 

Is this wall supposed to be a wall of safety or the beginning of concentration camps or another civil war...but today it is a wall of shame

Shame on those who meet migrants with hostility in the name of a job and at the hands of a man who not willing to go there and put on a military uniform and turn them away by himself...Adolf Hitler would have been a coward if not for those who followed him and made him the complete monster he was...

My heart goes out to all the people who are met with hostility while looking for better...blessed and prosperous shall they be, I pray they have all the water and food they need and shelter and medical just as I want those things for my family and I...

Dam nation is being brought upon the USA while many laught and follow after evil ways

Panic Attacks

Is much safer in my mind than anywhere on the planet, but why is it my own thoughts can frighten me...

I can be sitting still watching TV, listening to the radio, hear a siren or hear a gun shot and all of a sudden my heart start racing and I began to get lightheaded and my mouth tingles and I feel like I'm dreaming, and I can't focus on nothing else but something bad has happened to one of my loved ones or something bad is about to happen to me and this can last for hours on end and when I finally catch my breath I'm usually tired and sleepy and can't eat or sleep, but I want to go to sleep, but I can't because I'm afraid something bad is still going to happen even thought I have calmed down.

For years this was what I had to endure and this can last all day long if you have no one at all to talk to or rely on. And most times I kept them to myself, I was afraid of what people would think of me, I was afraid everyone would find out I was crazy. I have finally come to accept the fact I'm crazy ass hell, who gives a fuck anyways, I do care because I don't wanna have panic attacks anymore, but I had one the other day and it was not pleasant but it did not last all day long and I was not as tired and drained after it finally went away. Talking about a demon on my shoulder and a devil in my ear.

I like the way weed relaxes me, but when I was drugged by a group of men that comfort level was taken away, it was like I lost my sleep aid yet I like to smoke and remember once I heard the best way to overcome the fear is to hit it head on and that's what I did with weed, I started back to smoking as soon as I got out the hospital and it made me even more paranoid, I was afraid I was gonna end up in the hospital, tied to a bed, naked and with no clue of what happened.

Weed helps me to relax and meditate on the things that are causing the panic to happen, so instead of being afraid of my thoughts I see them thru and let them go wherever they want to and then I try and write it all down and I let my mind flow, I try not to stop in fear and my biggest fear was realization. After being drugged, I was afraid nothing was real and I was really dreaming because I was in a coma and this caused me panic attack after panic attack. When I get those thoughts I have to explain them away, example, I will tell myself if I was dreaming I would be able to pull my dead loved one back or into the room with me and would never have to leave out and would never pee on myself and would never feel hunger and things like that and I want have to go to work and why would I have to pay all that money for bills, I explain the notion I'm dreaming away.

I'm better today than I was yesterday and if I live to see tomorrow I hope things will continue to improve, not just for me but for all humanity even the soulless. 

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Thank BOB for keeping me 

If I could be honest about any one thing that is a complete secret with most women who I spend time with, it would be how my body hurts when I wanna have sex and can’t get it...thank goodness for BOB

Many women are in and out of relationships just because of the pain her vagina feels when she can’t get some dick...thank goodness for BOB

The feeling goes thru the abdomen and it cramps and the pussy will throb and the walls of the pussy will spasm like the muscles in the leg or that twitch you get in the eyelid and it is a uncomfortable and hurtful feeling...thank goodness for BOB

If I had not been invited to a novelty part I may still be in and out of bad relationships, because when that feeling want go away, I began to look for a man to massage the walls of my vagina and we usually ended up in a relationship without even knowing each other and then the baby comes and I’m usually left as a single mother...thank goodness for BOB

I have been alone since 2003 and wanted it that way, the only thing I wanted from a man was sex nothing more nothing less, I once heard the best way to get over one man was to get under another so that’s what I tried to do. Coming from where I lived it was hard to find someone who was not already in a relationship. So if they were married or in a relationship it didn’t matter to me because all I wanted was the sex to make the pain go away...thank goodness for BOB

I had never heard of a sex party but I did know how to masturbate thanks to my exhusband and all his cheating he taught me how to find my g-spot and how to massage my clitorous and that alone was enough for me to move away from him because he was not for me and I was not the one for him and during that time I was so lost and devistated and alone in my mind and needy and unloved I ran men away from me by being so aggressive with them...thank goodness for BOB

Now that I’m older I don’t think the same way and I look for more than just sex. Sex was all I ever looked for without knowing it wishing for more and wondering why I never found someone who really cares for me. I realized I was going at things the wrong way, I need to be sure we have more in common than just sex, I like eating and a roof over my head so I need to make sure he wants the same things not just a roll in the bed he doesn’t care about making...thank goodness for BOB

Now that my children are grown and I can spend more time worrying about me I’m ready for someone to share my special time with. I want to cuddle with someone other than my grandchildren and hug and kiss a man who loves being there with me in spite of my big belly and my saggy skin and my fifty shades of crazy...thank goodness for BOB

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Mental illness from the top

Check out @ebrownrochester’s Tweet:

Customs and shit

Most all our customs are lost and have been taken away along with the single most important thing the mother...

The mother has to take the role of the man and this opens the child up to all kind of predatory learning and shit. We are forced to expose our children to complete strangers day after day with no knowledge of what goes on inside schools. Our children have to come home alone day after day while the mother has to slave for others and no longer work for herself because all her ancestors had and knew was taken away...

How can we ever get back what was lost and how can we stop trying to be accepted by others when we don’t accept our self...

We can produce a child and walk away like that child never came here and leave that child to fend for self and think it’s ok because it’s customary to do so...if a person will walk away from their loved ones to fight a battle for someone they know nothing of they a complete fool and will fall for anything, if a person want to start a fight let them fight that fight alone, but if that person need your help defending self, stand with them and fight if they are out numbered...

We were a nation of people who grew our own food and made our own clothes and lived close to loved for for support but greed has parted many...

Power not to want more than I can carry on my back if I have too leave real fast...blessed are those who will take that away from me...power to live in a society where I don’t have to pay taxes on anything I own especially my land...

Power to plant a garden and can and freeze my own food and be there to help with my grandchildren...power to get back to some of my grandparents customs...

Monday, November 19, 2018

Drug dealers

Don’t you hate the fact your tax dollars will pay for prescription drugs, but you have to come outta pocket for yours...How the hell that happen

I can’t stand aspirin users pointing out crack heads while they standing in line waiting to see their drug dealer, oh he legal though. Is true crack is far worse than an aspirin, but too many aspirins can be just as fatal. Some of the deadliest drugs are covered by your insurance plan but I will be fined if I’m caught with some got damn weed...How the hell that happen

I tell ya, it happen because we need to get the hell outta the Bible praising death and come current and start living life and stop worshiping death and soon I will be gone home to meet the lord, have fun until you get there and stop judging those who have fun and say words you seem to find as bad. 

If you can get all the help you need for your addiction everyone should be able to. So many people seem to think that its alright to use prescription drugs because they go to church and worship and their choice of drugs is legal. But they never pick up a bible and read, the Bible is the foundation to the end of freedom and the beginning of oppression and slavery, but we worship those ways year round 

Plenty people at the doctor office looking for drugs to either use or sell, and that same person will point out all the street peddlers hoping they want get caught selling or find it difficult to kick the habit, these same people live in church begging for forgiveness. Most of us would prefer church because we don’t want to deal with public humiliation so we hide behind a God that is not there hoping our dirty little secrets never come out. Many people can’t function without drugs when eating healthy will help with a whole lot of things but we prefer the quick fix a pill to heal my body as I continually eat anything I want all while begging God to heal me all while I stuff my face with the hell that happen 

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Be true to you

For years I hated the color of my skin when all I wanted to do was fit in and be loved for who I am and not a color. 

As far back as I can remember I was taught to hate me, myself and I because of how I looked and not because of anything I had done that deserved to be hated for. Mind you I am no angel, I have slept around with married men and I have told a whole lot of lies and some more shit, and may have been hateful as hell for all I remember, but nothing that could not be forgiven. As a child I was called so many yella names it’s pathetic. so many times I began to hate myself and wish I was dark skinned so I could be accepted. 

My aunts labeled me as ole drunk white man baby my mom called me everything but my given name, gyp bitch was my name and so many more undesirable names I was called by my mom and when she was really upset she would tell me I want shit, want gone ever be shit and would never amount to shit and no man in his right mind would ever want me. I was a whore before I knew what one was and wondered if I was supposed to live up to her expectations of me. 

I could not wait to leave home just so I could get away from my mom, I knew in my heart my mom hated me because she once told me I was the biggest mistake she ever made, because she was married to daddy but I was fathered by another man, she lied to me until I was grown and my real daddy brother made her tell me the truth. 

When I was in my thirties I asked my mom why was she so mean to me and why she beat me so much and she said I did not and I reminded her of the time she told us if we didn't run she would shoot us and she said I was just playing and then she said it was all I know to do, that is how we were raised and I finally felt like I could talk to my mom and we began to communicate with each other like friends and I began to forgive her for some of the terrible names she called me and the beatings that left scars around my legs and up and down my back, when she was upset. So I pressed my luck and asked her why she wouldn't tell me the truth about my real daddy and she took a can of bull and opened it and said you want to know about your daddy and I said yes and she said I got you in the backseat of a thirty two or thirty six Chevrolet and I didn't want to know anymore of the details. 

For years I have hated me because I felt I was never good enough so I found myself trying hard to please others who have made some of the same mistakes as I have so, maybe, they would like me and as a result I have dieted my whole life and I feel uncomfortable around people all while trying to feel accepted by others or fit in. I always heard how wide my hips were or how big my hips were and it gave me a complex. I remember being in the sixth grade and Ms Norwood was the PE teacher, I love you Phyllis, she was real, I know because I have went to her in adulthood and she did just what she said she was going to do, she was there to help, with that same beautiful smile as she had when I was in the sixth grade. She told me, I wish I had your shape, you look good she said it with a warm smile and somehow I felt she was sincere, but in the back of my mind I could not believe her because all I could hear was the negative words from others like Ms Smith my other sixth grade teach or Ms Freeman, both black but very hateful towards me.

I hated school with a passion from day one and would have quit long before eighth grade if my mom had allowed me, I was held back twice in school, so if I had been in the right grade I would have made it to the tenth grade, I did get my GED and went to college, I had to drop out because I flunked out and lost my hope scholarship and was told by my English teacher she did not want to pass me because my writing was very bad but she would give me a seventy anyway, whew, I managed another semester and flunked out in Microsoft word, I know I did all my assignments and took all my tests, my teacher said I didn't complete my finals and I know I did, I even printed them off. I tried on many occasions to meet with him, but he would never show up and I was told if I wanted to stay in school I would have to pay out of pocket, dream lost. 
I’m trying hard to accept myself, regardless of how you may see me I love me and I want allow others to make me feel bad, I will speak my peace and keep it moving and if you make me feel bad one time too many I will distance myself from that person, because I matter to me, people will use the name God to try and make you feel inferior to them, reality is they know no more about God, Jesus, Mary or Jo Jo than I do and will find out the same as I will when we dead and if he real then I will know, but I want be able to come back and say God is real because when you really dead there is no coming back.

Even though I'm fifty two I still want to be accepted by others the way I come to them, not based on my cover and if a person gives me to much grief I will cut them off, I don't need the aggravation of being judged constantly by people who no better than me, we all have skin, no one I know is made from leather, or have feathers unless you a chicken, but as humans we know each other but due to prejudice we are not willing to accept others just as they are all while proclaiming the love of a God and how well we know Jesus, how do you know Jesus, I don't, when did you meet him, the bible states Jesus is in heaven and the only way you will meet him and his father is in death.

I wanted to be liked by others, but the more I try to fit in the more others will give to me to do to try and fit into what they call perfect all while they have their fingers crossed while telling a lie. I love me like I am and if you can’t accept me for who I am stay away from me and keep your comments to yourself and keep the ten commandments thyself because I’m not a child anymore and don't have to be told over and over how wrong I am, if the bible right God got all non believers on the roll just like he do those who kill in his name, just because you kill in his name means he will forgive you, hell is the final frontier and from what I read he searched the world over and found none worthy to sit on his throne so tell me how do you know even after you beg for forgiveness you will still enter into heaven, thou shall not kill being his first commandment and yet others killed in his name not knowing if he really real, because the bible was written by a man who wanted power over others. 

When I was a child I spoke as one now that I’m a woman I will speak as one, and don't use that age thing as your excuse, I get so frustrated with people who are older than someone and think that gives them the right to hurt someone else feelings just because they are older. I remember when I was newly saved and thought it was my job to correct other, there was this beautiful young lady dressed to kill in her beautiful suit, her shorts were up above her thighs and I was told we should not wear our shorts that short and I told her they were too short and I have regretted it every since, and have wished I could apologize to her but I have not seen her since that day and I hope she is still as flawless as she was that day and I have learned not to care if I see someone naked running across the street not to be the one to tell them they need on clothes, I don't have to look. 

Don’t allow others to make you feel less than, you are one hundred and they know it. You may be a tad bit bigger than others, or shaded differently than others, your hair may not be like others, your eyes may not shine like diamonds, your teeth may not sparkle, your nose may be different than others, you may have your own walk and your own style, but that’s your swagger and that’s what make you unique, hold onto you and know how to define you so no matter how others try and consume you, you can stay true to yourself because you have to live with your decisions not others. Others may be affected by your decisions in a negative way and will live for the day they can get away from you and never see you again, I hope I don't leave that mark on anyone. . 

Trust and believe those who throw the most rocks have serious psychological problems within, they are fighting self and making you the victim. Speak your peace and keep it moving, if you speak on their level they will understand but if you say I know what you going thru and I will keep you lifted up in my prayers and say have a blessed day, your kindness, they want understand, because they may not know kindness coming from where they live, I had my grandmother who had nothing but love for me, and then there was my grandpa and my daddy and Ms Norwood and Ms Anderson and her mother Mrs. Roberta Brown, she was one of my angels, she always kissed me right on my lips and told me how much she loved me and all my children and Ms Annie Norwood, I remember when my son was killed, Ms Norwood walked to that doctors office where I worked and what she told me about my son let me know she had nothing but love for me and him. 

For years I was harassed by a woman who had children with the same man as me. At first I would argue with her and then I met Mother Braswell she was a real woman of love, she really helped me to deal with Bunny Sue indirectly, so each time  would call me to wish death upon my ill daughter I would tell her Bunny Sue I’m praying for you have a blessed day and she said you stupid, I cussed you out and that’s all you gone say to me you crazy bitch and I hung up the phone. When my daughter died she called me on the phone and said I’m sorry your daughter died and I don’t remember much of what that winch said after that. I don’t think I ever forgave her for how she harassed me and my mom but I stopped dwelling there and realized she had more psychological issues than I did but forget no, and she never said forgive me for all the times she wished death upon my sick baby so “FUCK”her.

There is this lady I came to know and I thought she was a real woman until she kept crossing her fingers each time she told a lie when she swore to me she was not a liar. Do crossing your fingers make a lie not a lie, I don't get that a lie is a lie, crossed fingers or not. I saw red flags then but proceeded with caution, I have realized I can be a bit too trusting, I believe in people until they give me reason not to. This lady is very rude and told me if a person want believe in God she want have anything to do with them and some more things and then I said but what if they are kind and caring towards you and will do anything they can to try and help you, the bible says we entertain angels and may not know it. And she did not respond and I kept it moving and she changed the subject. I'm not calling anyone I know an angel, but how do I know, I consider all people to be angles, some good and some bad, if one an angel we all angels, just because a person does not share your beliefs does not mean they are bad and should be condemned to death the way followers of God will do to others, most all things done in the bible are done in the name of God not by God, but by those who follow after what he says was right, if it wrong now it was wrong then, thou shalt not kill. 

Why did God need if he got all powers, the bible is so misleading, the laws were written as to how our people were expected to live. And if you did not do as you were told I can only imagine what was hell, this lake of fire they were throwing people in, maybe it was a live volcano because they were so ruthless, look at how the Pharaoh drowned all baby boys. So many use the name of a God who was ruthless and will give him all the credit for their own hard work or the work of others not even knowing if God is real or not. God did this or God did that, it was written what he expected of us as a dark skinned nation and the Bible tells a story of what happened years ago to our people if they didn’t allow him to rule, I come upon you as a thief in the night and while villages were lost, whole nations were genocide and only the virgins were allowed to live and we still don't get it, we were not allowed in the castles and churches and schools, but we had to build them and the slaves of the bible knew where they stood with the mighty men of the bible, because all those who dare to stand and fight were killed just to rule their regions. 

The men who chose to fight were killed and those who were captured had to live in stalls with the animals and in the mud with the swine as they build these kingdoms on their backs and were whipped down by these savage men who called their selves Kings and Gods, and Lords and Bishops and Overseers and they all had to be paid and they all wanted their cut and we were the chosen ones, the ones who were called animals and forced to sleep in barns when all our people had was taken away and yet we still serve them to this today and worship the ways that caused us oppression in the first place. 

It's time for us the forgotten, the poor and depressed to have our own network stations and broadcast stations and banks and houses and love and help for each other and live modestly making sure we all have everything we need, it's more Earth than anything and land and all the water we want, but we still chose to live stacked on top of each other because we afraid of peace and quietness, is my desire to live separate but equal from all forms of government in peace and harmony with all others because no matter what some people hear from a black person they will not believe it if it don't come from a white person, talking about clueless. No matter how well spoken or highly educated a black person may be, many want believe it unless it comes from the mouth of a white skinned person. But we all should know peace and security no matter where we come from and the bible took all security away because no one person can speak for everyone and should not even try, speak for self and let those who want to fight for no reason, let them fight alone. 

Many blacks are still in Genesis with scales covering their eyes blaming Eve for eating an apple, because if they were to read the bible for self they would soon began to see what Eve must have saw, food and she ate because she was hungry and cold and why was she naked anyway,  and so many more things I find to be a bit disturbing, I don't want to go to heaven because the bible says we will be servants always, nope not for me, I want to serve myself and you do you, God was a lazy and selfish man who used others to have his way, and when I look at society today, we have been trained to do the same thing to each other and many still do it in the name of God and expect forgiveness for all the heartless things that are done to each other in the name of a God that is not here. The bible teaches me if my ancestors did not do what God said all their rights were taken away and they were treated worse than animals and they were beaten unmercifully some unto death and nothing was done, verse after verse of innocent people being trampled in the mud, slaughtered in the streets and in their homes, all this was not done to only blacks and browns, it was done to anyone who would not bow down before God or in the name of God.

I want share my beliefs with too many for fear of what they will do to me or my loved ones in the name of God and it is all in their head. Go to the hospital talking about God told you to do this or that and they will call you a schizophrenic because clearly you are hearing voices, clueless as I am, I do know the voices in my head are my own thoughts. The belief of such a power as a god had made many delusional and these people will kill in the name of something they have no clue even exist and they are locked away because they really do believe what they are saying. 

I have been in a mental institution and it was not a stay at the Ritz Carlton, it was scary for me, quite a few people are really locked away in their own head because of so many different reasons, some have been abused and some delusional and me it was the realization my son was really gone and I would never ever, ever see him again. I really blamed myself when I began to accept he was gone and there was nothing that could bring him back, not God, not Jesus and not Lazarus, no doctors no psychic and no one it hit me hard and the tears would not stop coming and I wanted to die and it would all be done and over with. But death didn't come and I was afraid I would take a bottle of sleeping pills and not die so I threw them away and I wanted to turn the steering wheel loose one day when I was coming home from counseling I was feeling like the only way out of my pain and misery was death and nothing else and for some odd reason or another like maybe fear and the thought of my children who I love and then I was afraid I would go to hell and not see my son again so I decided not to kill myself, I would try and keep on living so maybe one day I will know who killed my child. It has been so long I'm beginning to think I may never know, but I try not to lose hope and belief that one day his death will no longer be a mystery to me and I realized my life is worth living. It was at this point I really dove into the bible trying to find out what I was doing wrong, why did God hate me so much that my life was falling apart and the more I read and tried to find a way to be what he wanted me to be, the less and less I believed in a God until finally one day I woke up and knew in my heart God was not real and I fell back in my bed and began to cry and I quit my job that day and waited on the social worker to come to my house again because my ex-husband was sending them to my every week and I was afraid of loosing my children and never seeing them again. 

I get side tracked so easily, I need to take some of my meds, THC keeps my mind from running all over the place, many people can't wrap their mind around what helps me, while standing in line waiting to see their drug dealer, try and stop judging folks, live and let live, accept others like they are.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Chasity Nichole

Chasity was one of the most beautiful babies I had ever seen in my life and I was her mother, and I have seen a lot of beautiful babies but this baby girl was mine.

When I look back into the past and think about the thing I desired most in my life, it was the desire to become a Mother, no shame in me for wanting to become a Mother, it is still the best choice I made in my life, to become a mother and spare the life of my unborn babies, because all life is sacred and there is nothing on this planet more important than life, at least that is to me. No matter how many ugly remarks have been made towards my children I have never regretted having any of them and I'm so glad I held my peace because I have wanted to tell people FUCK you so many times, but I never did.  

I knew I always to become a mother and have no regrets about any of my children being born, I only wish I had the ten children I always wanted. I have five living and two deceased and two miscarriages. And a lot of negative comments from people who hate life and children. To those who hate other people children, be glad you don't have to raise them, their not yours to begin with and another woman's pussy and what passes thru her birth canal has nothing at all to do with you and how you living. 

So many people have been trained to think the birth of a baby is a bad thing, but there is nothing more precious on this earth than the innocence of a new born baby, FUCK those who don't think so.

I have heard so many comments about all mine and why you got so many, in such nasty ways or why you want all them children, how many you got, how many more you want, you need to leave them babies where they at and stop having so many children and you ain't gone have no man with all them children running around behind you, why you got so many, right in my children face like they don't even matter. Well they all matter to me each and every one of them, they are all important to me and my five children have been the wind beneath my wings when I wanted to give up I couldn't, I had to go on for them and all those who didn't want them to be here FUCK you.

I started this post to honor my daughter Chasity Nichole Willis who was born with a congenital birth defect, Wernick Hoffmann disease type two, the doctor's gave her a year, she lived to the age of three, the picture is her on her third birthday.

It was stressful caring for her and still trying to work, no one but my mom was there to help me care for her when she came home from the hospital. She had to live on a ventilator with a tracheostomy tube in her throat and a feeding tube in her nose. Right before her first birthday she stopped breathing on her own and the doctor's asked me if I wanted them to save her or to let her die and my mom and aunts said no let her live and I did and after her first year in the hospital she finally made it home to the single wide trailer I lived in with no AC and it was hot, so hot it was unbearable and I had no money for a window unit and no one I personally knew would help me to get her a window unit not one of my cousins, aunts, no bank, no one.

There was a man old enough to be my dad who had always asked my for my pussy, he even told me "I should have molested you when you was young and you would give it to me, but I was scared of you mom". Imagine that, he made me sick to my stomach, but every time he seen me he asked me for my pussy and promised me he would take care of me, but I had no desires for him until my baby needed that AC unit. I went to him and told him I need one hundred and fifty dollars to buy a AC unit for my daughter and he said, Oh I heard you got a sick baby, I can see him past the tears in my eyes , he was a nice looking man, with a gold tooth and a nice smile. I had sex with him that night and he gave me one fifty and my baby got her window unit that next day and my mama asked me no questions and I said nothing, every time I needed money I went to him until he went to prison and that ended our affair because was married.

I would have sold my kidney if it would have saved her life so to sell a lil pussy, I don't have any regrets and would do it again if I have to for those who I love the most even the son I got while I was having sex with him, but that is questionable because of the one time I had sex with Chasity's dad again. I really liked him, but I was not the only one he was seeing, and the girl he started dating was awful to me and my baby... 

Bunny was a real bitch to me and my daughter about John. I met him at my sisters house and we had sex and started dating and he would come to my house and spend the night and then I was pregnant and had a baby and then my cousin told me he was seeing someone else because she was the one dropping him off at her house and it went sour real fast because I was not even sure he was her real dad and really didn't care when I found out about Bunny, I felt I deserved it, but not my baby. She would say horrible things about my baby who was sick, she wished her dead so many times and it was so odd to me when my baby died this sick ass twisted BITCH called me to tell me how sorry she was my baby was dead, this BITCH called me so much she had all my number no matter how much I changed them and then I found out my brothers wife was the one giving her the number, and my cousin, BITCHES.

When I look back to my home town, I see no reason to visit, no one there who really loved me when I needed it most. All my children are grown and now I have grandchildren who need me and its in my heart to be there for them as long as I can breath, now I did say it is in my heart, but somewhere in time that may change and I may not feel that way, but now I do.

I would like to get in a position in my life where I can babysit for my grands like my grandparents did for my mom when I was growing up, I want to be a help for my children so they can make it in life and can have all the things they need so they can stay together as a family and can, and will, have each other's back. If we would learn to pull together in life it want be so hard, but so many people rather see you naked and in the streets than in a damn one room shack, FUCK them.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Donald Trump tells April Ryan sit

Saturday, November 3, 2018

I lost my pillow

When I decided to stop sleeping with a pillow underneath my head at night while laying flat on my back, it made a huge difference in my life...

I no longer suffer from migraines and a pounding headache and the tension in my head and neck was horrible, but since removing the pillow I don't walk around with pounding headaches and a tight neck.

Once I removed the pillow the pain gradually went away as I had hoped it would but somethings remained the same and I contribute use of computer and cell phone to blurred vision and halos and the jagged edges in my vision because once I cut back on glare time as I like to call it some of those things stopped happening. Because no matter the screen adjustment the glare is still annoying to my eyes and head and when I start to feel the tension build up from the strain I will log off so good bye and have a blessed night. 

Crystal Mason imprisoned for voter fraud

Friday, November 2, 2018

Understand Heart Palpations

Real Judge Lynn's Tweet

Check out @RealJudgeLynn’s Tweet:

All these white balloons and shit

 Please stop shooting shit down, what the hell inside. Y’all and y’all shooting gone have us all dropping like flies.  What in the hellO, wa...