Saturday, November 24, 2018

Customs and shit

Most all our customs are lost and have been taken away along with the single most important thing the mother...

The mother has to take the role of the man and this opens the child up to all kind of predatory learning and shit. We are forced to expose our children to complete strangers day after day with no knowledge of what goes on inside schools. Our children have to come home alone day after day while the mother has to slave for others and no longer work for herself because all her ancestors had and knew was taken away...

How can we ever get back what was lost and how can we stop trying to be accepted by others when we don’t accept our self...

We can produce a child and walk away like that child never came here and leave that child to fend for self and think it’s ok because it’s customary to do so...if a person will walk away from their loved ones to fight a battle for someone they know nothing of they a complete fool and will fall for anything, if a person want to start a fight let them fight that fight alone, but if that person need your help defending self, stand with them and fight if they are out numbered...

We were a nation of people who grew our own food and made our own clothes and lived close to loved for for support but greed has parted many...

Power not to want more than I can carry on my back if I have too leave real fast...blessed are those who will take that away from me...power to live in a society where I don’t have to pay taxes on anything I own especially my land...

Power to plant a garden and can and freeze my own food and be there to help with my grandchildren...power to get back to some of my grandparents customs...

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