Don’t you hate the fact your tax dollars will pay for prescription drugs, but you have to come outta pocket for yours...How the hell that happen
I can’t stand aspirin users pointing out crack heads while they standing in line waiting to see their drug dealer, oh he legal though. Is true crack is far worse than an aspirin, but too many aspirins can be just as fatal. Some of the deadliest drugs are covered by your insurance plan but I will be fined if I’m caught with some got damn weed...How the hell that happen
I tell ya, it happen because we need to get the hell outta the Bible praising death and come current and start living life and stop worshiping death and soon I will be gone home to meet the lord, have fun until you get there and stop judging those who have fun and say words you seem to find as bad.
If you can get all the help you need for your addiction everyone should be able to. So many people seem to think that its alright to use prescription drugs because they go to church and worship and their choice of drugs is legal. But they never pick up a bible and read, the Bible is the foundation to the end of freedom and the beginning of oppression and slavery, but we worship those ways year round
Plenty people at the doctor office looking for drugs to either use or sell, and that same person will point out all the street peddlers hoping they want get caught selling or find it difficult to kick the habit, these same people live in church begging for forgiveness. Most of us would prefer church because we don’t want to deal with public humiliation so we hide behind a God that is not there hoping our dirty little secrets never come out. Many people can’t function without drugs when eating healthy will help with a whole lot of things but we prefer the quick fix a pill to heal my body as I continually eat anything I want all while begging God to heal me all while I stuff my face with the hell that happen
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