Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Rudeness in adults 

I’m trying hard to learn how not to cut people off and during a conversation we usually exchange words back and forth to keep the conversation going, but sometimes people just cut you off in the middle of a statement or will over talk you and lead you to believe you don’t know shit and your thoughts are not important.

Fire up some funk...

I try hard to respect the opinion of others after all I’m not responsible for anyone else but me. When I’m trying hard to finish a sentence and a person lists cuts me off all the way and change the conversation leads me to believe my opinion and I mean nothing at all to that person. Once or twice maybe but continually over and over again makes me not wanna conversate with that person. My feelings matter to me if they don’t matter to anyone else. 

And I hate when people use there age as a excuse for rudeness and will tell me I’m your mother you have to listen to me. I wanna say my mama dead and so is my daddy and I’m a full grown woman with full grown children and that is not a reason for me to be rude to someone just because they young enough to be my child. I try hard to show others the same respect I wanna be shown, you can you can talk shit about me behind my back but please as long as I respect you respect me and I’m learning the best way to be heard is to listen...

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