Friday, December 28, 2018

I thought it was hard bringing Jeremy in this world

Jeremy Carlos Miller eleven years old

The pain is constant and worse as it progressed. The doctor not there yet and the nurse a young black woman no help at all, I rocked back and forth and this didn’t help the pain and the nurse standing off to the side away from the foot of the bed as I rock and yell and beg her to help me and she says if you don’t lay still you gone fall off the table and then I was frighten even more, she was no help, no comfort she had no compassion at all and no one I knew was there to help comfort me and cheer me on.

Jeremy was a very active child who was always happy and outgoing and outspoken and full of energy and a complete handful.

Jeremy was very bright in school and finished his work first and fast and then he clowned around and this often got him in trouble and he always promised he would stop clowning but he never did.

Jeremy loved playing the drums in church and being helpful to others, if I needed him to do something for me all I had to do was ask. About two weeks before he was murdered he was in the laundry room helping me fold clothes and he whispered to me ma I have something to tell you and Clarence burst into the room asking him, what you doing in here in your mama way come on out of here so she can finish the laundry and I said he not in my way, I never thought anything of it until later on. 

Clarence was going to Ingles one evening and told Jeremy to ride with him and when they made it back I was in the kitchen cooking and Jeremy gave me some flowers he bought with the two dollars I gave him for helping me, his love was sincere.

Jeremy loved his siblings and he and Ray were very close. Jeremy loved playing video games and Ray did too. Ray would sit in the wagon with the joystick in his hand and fall asleep while he and Jeremy were playing the game. 

I love him and miss him so much, Clarence wanted them to come home in the evening time, he and Brad my nephew so they want get in trouble. Brad says on the day Jeremy was killed he heard nothing but Laurine, Clarence sister says she heard him yelling and thought they were in the yard just playing.

Clarence says when he pulled to the mailbox he backed in the yard and from the corner of his eye he saw what appeared to be someone hanging in a tree and he says I thought it was Brad and I said to myself that boy finally did it to himself but as I got closer I could tell it was Jeremy and I jumped out the car and his knees were on the ground and he was slumped over a bit and he says he pulled the cord that was tied around his neck and he fell to the ground.

No pain on this earth compared to the pain I have endured after loosing him and all the unanswered questions and the GBI did a horrible investigation. I have so many theories and I share them with the police but the last time I called the Sheriff in Monticello he made it clear they had no plans to do anything else but if I know anything to keep them day I know the truth will come out

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