Saturday, March 23, 2019

Loving me ain’t easy

When I started loving myself I realized how much work it is, love you first and if you love you first you will soon realize how hard it is loving you....loving me is not easy because I’m still a work in progress...

Why can I slack and everyone has too be flawless, all but me, the Bible teaches a one way of thinking, if I’m not right no one is, and no one else is right just me...

I can only correct me and I often let myself down because loving me ain’t easy...

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Getting back on track

Last month marked the anniversary of the death of three important people in my life, my grandmother, my mother and my son all died in February and my daddy birthday is in February and during this time of the year in space no matter where I am I feel the shock of this month. Hopefully I can get back to using this site to express myself because I really had cut back on drinking too much alcohol.

I noticed a while back certain things will spook me like certain citations or even eating, I find it hard to try new foods and have a hard time eating food I didn’t prepare myself and then I worry is it tainted with some type of bacteria that heat can’t kill and things like that. Hopefully I can get back on track and plant me a garden and store my own food, real soon.

All these white balloons and shit

 Please stop shooting shit down, what the hell inside. Y’all and y’all shooting gone have us all dropping like flies.  What in the hellO, wa...