Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Dons, underworld into kings

 I’m afraid the real Don gone come out during this election.

He says only way he does not win this election is if it is rigged.

He does not take no for an answer, he wants it he takes it. 

He USE all those who are willing to die for him to help him maintain his way of life. What do I get out of the deal. I’m tired of being treated like property for profit.

We cant even mourn our loved one who are murdered. I grieve the loss of both of my children, but I have a hard time accepting the murder of my son. Many people like myself are told just move on. Don’t you understand I can’t. I need answers.

Many people live in my shoes and my heart goes out to them. Give us our space and relearn how to grieve with us. Y’all throw us away when we are grieving. It’s hard for us to care for ourselves let alone another, waking up after a restless night of loosing a loved one is a horrible nights sleep. Moving is not easy, getting out of a bed after a sleepless night of panic attacks and bad dream after dream, I can’t just move on. Being told I need to get back to work shows me we still live in ancient Egypt where we have to keep on working and moving so masser want kill us too. Step over the dead and keep you ass a moving or the hands will whip you. Be careful how you allow another to use your hands and your heart. 

We not in Egypt or the wilderness anymore but we still live that life and suffer from the PTSD passed down by our ancestors and being told just don’t say anything for fear of being killed, we not there anymore, but we are still suffering from the shock of it. 

Killing after killing after senseless killing. Wildfires killing, flooding from one hurricane after the other, the North Pole melting, COVID-19 and we not even over the first wave and many people are still being exposed day after day, what the hell Messiah wants, and all I can hear is slaves you better keep moving because my money means more to me than you ever will...

If you want to keep on voting for Messiah, Masser, Master my blessings I give you. If you on his side to help him maintain the White House. To maintain his elaborate way of life, and you still in the fields picking someone else cotton. Got a house you can’t enjoy, got a job and not a volunteer to help the sick and shut in keep on voting and waiting on god to save you. 

What will The Don’s plans be if he want take no for an answer. And what if he refuse to give up his spot in four years and then decide he want to hand the country over to his son. Under world king...

I vote to abolish the current government and have the people decide what is best for their community

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