Sunday, October 11, 2020

If I were just a color

Crackers are a kind not a color...

Nigger is the blood that bonds us all...

Crackers used the word niggers to identify people of a certain color. Then they beat down those people as they called them niggers and made them feel bad based on the color of their skin...

Crackers are niggers to because of the blood we all use, crackers are a different breed, they bred to hate based on what another human looks like and not what they think like. 

Niggers all walk upright, bleed red blood thru the heart that pumps oxygen rich blood throughout our veins. Oh we are the same, we just don’t think the same. We can even if we not willing to admit, that is a human. We constantly lie to ourselves because we are afraid of being kicked out of our circle of people that comfort our way of life.

Niggers stand together even if it’s done in secrecy. Crackers crumbles and are blown away. Hate will be forgotten and dismissed, but the love of real niggers will stand forever.

Harriett Tubman and her Underground Railroad would not have been so successful if all crackers were white and all niggers were black

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