Friday, October 23, 2020

What exactly is a gang???

Gang:  I’m about to google this word that is somehow baffling to me this morning. When I wake and sit still for a moment I began to think really deeply and its right here when I think the most. What I have been thinking a lot about recently is the government and how blind I have been in seeing them for who they are. It is right here in meditation when I sit still and think I feel I can blame the government for a lot of things we have seen written in history books is because of a gang that calls itself the government. History books written  about how ruthless we as humans can be. Animals want even kill like we do. We take lives and call it fun. We are trained not to hurt during the death process of whatever is being killed. Labeling it as something inferior to oneself is usually how I think of a fish before I kill it, I cook the fish and I have plans to eat the fish.

Recently I have battling myself with the eating of the fish and the trying to justify eating the fish in the first place, well in my mind it’s survival, a natural process to kill to eat to survive only when we have to. 

As long as there is something else to eat there is no need for a sacrifice. But we have been made lazy and taught to rely on others to bring food to us prepped and served hot and fresh. But now we see trophy killing. Now I must say even I with my flesh eating self see it as a problem when we can legally have trophy, open killing just for some fun. The value of life once was the most treasured thing. Now it carries no value at all. I’m sick and scared of this because of the gangs of people who gather together just to shoot and kill. Are not all shooters and killers classified as gang members. I need to go read the definition, brb...

Gang-1. an organized group of criminals, that’s the noun 

          2. When a number of people, form a group or gang, that’s the verb

And after many of us wake up to realize we are still be held against our will by the United States of America we become even more frightened of them than we already have been. Many who condone their harsh treatment of others are swiftly labeled as troublesome and dealt with harshly for even messing with that gang in the first place. They show you how you too will be dealt with if you too wake up from under the spell. And hopefully not a wake up call for all of us who live under a horrible spell of drugs, lies, murders, rapist, kidnappers and start to fight back.

 Drugging someone to kidnap them has been around for decades, it is used to keep the other person from screaming and fighting and alerting others. Once they are kidnapped they continue to feed them drugs, that holy water probably was full of drugs or alcohol back in the days, but is still used during certain ceremonies. Today if we hear a scream we turn the television set up to drown out the noise, we have disconnected from society and don’t care what happen to others as long as we get that paper. 

Many of us worship the president like they had to worship the god of the Bible, and don’t even realize it. God was a great leader among his people. He was ruthless and they followed him in great numbers to kill off many others so he could run their territory. Gangs we written about in the old history books. The Bible is one of those history books that is used most to scare others into lining up. Many people who know beyond the shadow of a doubt there is a spiritual places called heaven or hell and this spirit that is now dead, in his afterlife, still owns the rights to you when you dead, ah hell no I rebuke you away from my afterlife too. A big history book filled with horrible stories of mass killings in different areas by what was called Catholic people and then Jesus not being accepted as one because his skin color was dark and he had no record of birth was lying on almighty god. The priest were not supposed to be having sex with anyone, he the one who wrote the shit, same ole shit different day. Laws made by us that do not apply to us because we are above the laws, we made the laws. Someone has to be punished openly for not keeping in line. And the law are made to help keep you safe from everyone but me, because you are my property so I have the right to kill you and the law was on the side of the slave owner, the husband, the priest and the judges and the soldiers and all those who fell in line with whatever god said. The underworld always had someone willing to kill for them so they could get more drugs. We have more junkies here who believe they can kill in the name of god and it shall be forgiven by him because he was the greatest king ever, people still worship his ruthless ways to rob steal and kill to this day. And the curse from that way of thinking lives on and drugs are still being used to keep us while they decide what they gone do with us if we ever get stupid and start fighting back. 

That’s what strikes fear in many of us, the fear of what they will do to us because they say this is their territory and we are their property and they can do what they want with their own property and god forgave killers, he forgave Cain for killing his brother. And if you kill in his name for him to rid this world of animals then he will forgive you and give you a place in heaven. Gold and silver and pearls, sounds about right, we will have more than anyone when we dead, god claimed the world as his and killed anyone who would not allow him whatever he wants. And those traditions live on for his followers who are no longer Catholic but are now Christians as well, another one to fight and die for who no longer lives but we will turn a blind eye to others who in need. Pretty much the way of god.

Jesus had his own followers but never enough to fight for his life. He knew who his father was but he was not allowed to say it openly, after all this is the king, what was he doing at the sanctuary having sex with the little ones when they were not supposed to engage in sexual activity either. This is the reason women were not allowed, they were considered property even though you to married, once married you became the mans property to do with you as he pleases. And because many women would not go along with the rape and torture and kidnapping young children and killing everyone in their paths just to call it your territory. Many women would not gather at the public executions because it was horrific to witness one being hanged or their head chopped off. Today we watch it on television and call it entertaining.

Cult another word that baffles me. I’m about to google it next.

Cult-1. a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object. 

        2. A relatively small group of people having religious believes or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister

       3. A misplace or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing

       4. A person or thing that is fashionable, especially among a particular section of society 

How did god impregnate Mary and where did it take place. It’s not real clear other than she was supposed to be a virgin but she was already pregnant and fornication was not allowed. Mary could have been stoned to death and then there was no record of Jesus birth and here his is claiming to be his son.

So to keep him quiet and not stir up trouble and blasphemy against god, he was put to death, but the sentence had to be passed down in order for there to be a public execution. Who handed down the sentence. 

The Bible not real clear as to what he did, he was accused of perverted ways, whatever that is. 

It was gangs of people gathered together to kill Jesus because one person has a much harder time of killing a gang. Gangs still run the world like they did in the Bible days, a lot of those old ways are being done away with, but not fast enough. As long as we have gangs of cults running things around the globe taking whatever territory they want in the name of a god who offers a better death than life nothing will get better. 

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