Master Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation on the day of the 22nd, the month of September, the year of 1862. There were those who opposed a person having freedom from being owned by anyone. And there were those who thought they had the right to own people as a property as a thing. Those things that were held as slaves are now freed and are no longer a property to others but a individual person. Many people were separated from their loved one, they were taken from their homeland and held captive for years.
Now all of a sudden those held as slaves are now free with nothing, only a promise of land that was given but then taken away and given back to the slave owners leaving our ancestors with nothing but a offer to continue to work for Masser for little to nothing. Nowhere to go, and no money’s to leave and look for a better place. No money’s to buy a bud ticket let alone some land and a home.
Now all of a sudden masser wants money for you sleeping in the barn with the animals. All day long we work masser fields and can’t grow our own. So masser sells us his left overs that he can’t sell at the market. He tell us we can eat the food he throw out, but it will cost us. He take it away from the money we work for before he give it to us. We lucky to get a penny from all the work we do, sun up to sun down.
We no longer there, we don’t need masser or his ways. All we need is to live separate but equal on our own land away from masser and his ways of death hell and destruction. We still running to the poles supporting those who oppress people. We give them the power to use us like slaves and robots with no minds to think without them. The whips and chains gone but the fears still lives inside of us because masser still sits on his throne, and we the people keep him and his kind up there. We will go to war and kill for Masser with no clear understanding of why.
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