Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Still growin but yet to learn

I blame those who hate me for hating me because of the color of my skin and not something I may have done or said…

You know the context of my character and personality and how rough I can be around the edges. I have learned it from others. Others have not shown me any tact when speaking to me, they come straight at ya and hard. I don’t like the way that feel, but if it’s the truth oh well. I try not to be to straight forward so I want piss anyone off. I try hard to chose my words more carefully while still acknowledging my point. I will shout with you but I don’t like to do it. 

I know that’s not the case for everyone I meet but it has been the case for a whole of other. And I have been a hand full, thinking I knew it all and I know nothing. 

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